I worked with a local business within Flagstaff, Arizona on helping to promote their business by creating a brochure. Here are a few photos I took.

About Timberline Handcrafted Ice Cream & Candy:

This was a business created in 2021 during Covid by two brothers named, Nic and Seth Beckett. Timberline Ice cream offically opened in June of 2022 and has been thriving since. It is a small shop but has a huge feeling of family. They make every customer feel welcomed and brings joy to the community. Not only do they hancraft every flavor but they also go to events like the Sunday Market to sell their sweet treats. If you ever want to learn more about their flavors or visit them, I’ll leave their information below!

2710 N Steves Blvd #26, Flagstaff, AZ 86004

Website: ticfagstaff.com

Instagram: @TIC_Flagstaff

